• Berkeley REACH Blog

    Announcements and Updates on REACH

    It is the recommendation of this committee of the REACH Panel that Brent not be admitted to REACH. We were chosen from the community-nominated pool of REACH panelists because we weren’t close enough to the situation to need to self-recuse, and the principal parties all declined to request that...
    Before nominating, please read the Host and Steward Mandate which clarifies these roles and the process for vetting for each of them. Hosts have a subset of the responsibilities held by a Steward. Send in your nominations for either role (both will start with the Host vetting process) here.
    The REACH Panel Voting has concluded.  The members of specific exploratory and investigative committees will be pulled from this pool of people.  These are people you can reach out to for making reports, and if a committee is created about your case, you will have the opportunity to request/veto...